Friday, February 15, 2013

Measurin' Up.

NaBloPoMo February 2013
How did this Valentine's Day compare to those of yore?

Not too shabby.

We're on spending "ground zero" so we're making do with what we have, re-using, re-purposing, scrimping and saving to stretch our dollars. And while that was initially crazy to postpone our instant gratification, it's become so worthwhile. We focus a little more on each other, on ourselves and the things around the house that we've been putting off- cleaning the garage, taking Ripley for walks (BURN YOUR ENERGY OFF, DOG), cooking together. We're not entirely productive...unless you count knocking out seasons of Doctor Who. (Which, in our house, is totally productive when you have three separate stacks of recommended movies to watch: grab bag, re-watch and new movies)
So while most girls got flowers for Feburary 14th, I got a clean sink. A thoughtful card? I got a handwritten note warning me of 21 ninjas hidden around the house. I wouldn't give this guy up for the world.
So while he was at work, I-also did some house-cleaning, but more importantly- I made him dessert, following this recipe on Dana Made It. So easy, so simple and so scrumptious. I halved the recipe because we're only feeding ourselves, but even so, spread this on Ritz crackers and you have a sinful dessert.
Since the tone of the night began silly, I merely perpetuated the fun and challenged Mr. E to find his V-day dessert by following a string of yarn around the house- one end in the garage, the other in the bedroom. I'm not sure he was suitably impressed.
Sometimes, the best laid plans are tangled. The romantic dinner and a movie is outvoted by dessert first and re-watching Game of Thrones. Sometimes your dog would like to be snuggled, too. But that's okay. That's how life is for us. This is where we are and we wouldn't have it any other way. 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the ninjas and the follow the yarn ideas. you don't have to spend money to show you love each other.


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Mrs. E