We celebrated Mr. E's birthday this weekend, though he won't be any older until Monday. We decorated a little, kicked back and enjoyed the company of some of our closest friends. In true scatterbrained fashion, I took only a few pictures, but let's set the scene as best we can...
We strung our outside patio area with streamers and a little garland I made by cutting circles out of some felt and some book pages. I fully massacred said book by wrapping some of Mr. E's presents in book pages too. Too lazy to grab the wrapping paper, and it looked awfully cute.
We grabbed some Little Ceasar's pizzas, made a mix of Cheetos and pretzels to snack on and popped open a few beers. Grilled some fruit skewers and I put-together two ice cream pies; much easier than pinning Mr. E down on a cake flavor.
And then he opened this. Possibly the greatest birthday present in the history of gift-giving, courtesy of my favorite lab partner in crime.
We have four glorious prints and are contemplating hanging one in each room of the house. Where do you think we should hang it?