Imdb Synopsis:
The murderous Bride continues her quest of vengeance against her former boss and lover Bill, the reclusive bouncer Budd, and the treacherous, one-eyed Elle.
One of the things that makes Tarantino movies so interesting to watch is his disregard for traditional movie-telling. Most movies are told in a standard 3 act story:
Act One
- The first quarter of the movie
- Sets up the character and the situation
- The end of act one is given by the conflict arising. The rest of the movie is solving this conflict
Act Two
- The character applies him or herself to the conflict
- This is where we get the meat of the story
- Usually there is a point that something so awful, so dreadful happens and you don't think the character can go on. This is your comeback moment, your aha moment where the character realizes what sacrifice is needed
- The end of act two is given by the...
Act Three
- The last quarter of the movie
- The climax and then resolution of the movie where the characters come into equilibrium again
It's exactly this arrangement that makes it difficult to read books now. I have become so wrapped up in the visual story-telling of films that I find that many books drag on for too long- the set up takes forever or the descriptions (if not especially well written) drag on. Books and movies are two very different beasts. One tells and the others shows what is happening in the story. As always, there are exceptions to this rule of thumb: many movies are too long (what's with the 3 hour mark these days?) and many books glaze over events just to entice the reader. I enjoy aspects to both forms, but walking between them is a challenge sometimes.
Tarantino doesn't usually stick to this part of traditional movie-making. Often you see his films set up as "chapters" like a book, or told in a non-linear timeline. Inglorius Basterds is chapters, Pulp Fiction (which also has chapters) is more character driven, and Kill Bill is sort of an amalgamation of both- because the movie was split into two parts the movie-makers were able to prolong the story as opposed to creating two separate movies. The chapters revolve around characters in relation to The Bride and you learn more about her, and her past, in a very non-linear setup.
Like most Tarantino movies, I enjoy the dialogue: the small asides, the obscure references, the quiety energy with which his actors speak. It's like Tarantino really wants you to focus on what they are saying-- or not saying-- and he allows them to speak for themselves. The best part? So many movies these days focus on yelling as emotion, as if the louder you talk the more emotional your words must be (Snow White and the Huntsman, anyone?). Thankfully this isn't the case in this movie.