Saturday, January 26, 2013

Utah Trippin

You know the earmark of a good vacation? Coming back refreshed and ready to take on the burdens and menial tasks with renewed vigor.
That was exactly what we did this last week.

Mr. E and I visited Salt Lake City, Utah for some much needed R & R, a visit with some of his family and a second (third?) honeymoon. Basically every trip is considered a honeymoon, I think.
First of all, my mother in law is a saint. She is one of the most forgiving people I know, she constantly serves others before herself (except when a making a new coat is on the line) and she can out-decorate the best of them. With visions of multi-million dollar homes dancing her head, she can match and coordinate her entire house with very little effort.
 I have trouble matching sheets. Staying at my in-laws house was better than a hotel (I know exactly where these sheets have been)- our own room (er--floor!), Netflix, a Costco run and plenty of things to do, see, and make!

We sledded (sludded? went sledding...)
We ate out and visited.
We Sundanced.

We enjoyed the landscape (snow? mountains?)

And we missed our puppy something fierce!
All in all we realized that Utah is a fantastic visit- especially around Sundance. We might not ever move here, but we will definitely see more of that snow!