Saturday, January 12, 2013

Lemon Bars

What do you do when life hands you a bag of lemons you find a bag of free lemons in the break room at work?
You take them home to make lemon bars, of course.
Because clearly I can't get enough butter in my system.
(The great thing about a break room? You can get rid of all those extra fattening things you shouldn't be eating...made cookies? Take 'em to work)

I followed a recipe that is near and dear to my heart: from the Alpha-Bakery Children's Cookbook by Gold Medal flour. This poor little cookbook is so -beat up- well-loved with all of the use it's seen since I started cooking. It made my little heart sing to see my niece with a Alpha-Bakery Cookbook as well- though a few of the recipes had changed.
Lemon bars
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup of butter (soft)
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1 cup of sugar
2 tsp of grated lemon peel
2 tbsp of lemon juice
1/2 tsp of baking powder
1/4 tsp of salt
2 eggs 

     Heat oven to 350. 
     Mix thoroughly flour, butter, powdered sugar in a small bowl. Press evenly with hands in bottom and about 5/8 inch of sides of an ungreased square pan 8x8x2 inches (If dough is sticky, flour fingers). This is the crust. Bake 20 min.
     Beat remaining ingredients ina  medium bowl on medium speed until light and fluffy. Pour over hot crust.
     Bake just until no indentation remains when touched lightly in center, about 25 minutes. Let stand until cook, then cut into about 1 1/2 inch square (or massive pieces because we like lemon in this house). Makes ~25 squares
Realistically, I made these for Mr. E's set- so I tripled the recipe, added more lemon anyways and baked them in whatever I had handy (which was Pampered Chef stoneware 9x13s). 

I think they went faster than my pancakes.