Monday, January 28, 2013

Cut it Out!

On our (my?) path to scrimping and saving more, we're taking a hard look at the things we spend our money on. And what's been weighing on our minds lately? Hair. (see what I did there?)

Last summer I started shaving Mr. E's easy trim with the clippers. It wasn't too hard- he normally just wanted something short and easy to manage. Every few weeks--because Mr. E grows hair like weeds-- we'd haul out the clippers and extension cord, set up shop outside and go at it....the hair cutting, that is.

But it was kind of a stretch for me to jump in and say I wanted to cut my own hair. I mean, my hair is 10 times longer than his. And I have bangs to deal with. And layers. That's way harder, right?

Well, in a manner of speaking. But I didn't want to spend the $40 on a salon scissors it is!

I read a few tutorials on how to do it yourself, braced myself and got it all wet. I didn't really want to go for inches off, just layers in. 
I divided my hair into three sections: a top, middle and bottom. The top would later get bangs too, so I made sure that each of my sections was roughly the same amount of hair (no easy task here).
I started with the bottom layer and cut a little longer in the front, a little shorter in the back- just enough to be a little diagonal. But not much. Evening the layers was probably the hardest part...
Once the bottom layer was cut where I wanted it, I pinned that back and let loose the second layer. I had each layer wrapped in a bun on the back of my head, so when I let out a bun I made sure to comb it on either side of the bun. That way I was looking at all of my hair and it was also laying roughly in the direction I wanted to cut it.
I tried to cut more for style this time around...I couldn't really remember where my first layer had stopped, and I figured longer is better- I can always cut it shorter if it's too long, but not the other way around!
When I finished with the second layer I let both of the bottom layers come together. Not bad, if I do say so myself. A little blocky, but I figured I could fix it. Maybe.
The last layer on top was straight forward. I think by this time I was anxious to be done and so I maybe didn't take as much time as I should have. This whole process took a little more than an hour...

Letting it all out together I realized that even if there was sort of a large gap between each layer, the gap was the same between each layer. So technically we're good here. I'm not winning any awards here, but I'm not crying either so this is good.
The bangs may have been the easiest part. It must have been all that practice when I was five, you know?
Give it a shake, comb it out and blow dry it and voila! Instant mood-lifter!