Because we're not.
I enjoy a lot of movies that Mr. E will find fault in and he likes a lot of gritty independent movies that I just can't stay awake through. But I think that's what makes it work. I'll watch almost anything with an open mind and Mr. E suffers in silence until the end (usually).
Sometimes there are movies that just tug at your heart strings or make you want to tell everybody about them and what better place than here? To start off...
Mr. E and I watched this on in 3D (perks of working at a movie theatre on campus)- something we don't usually do (the 3D, that is) but we felt obligated since it wasn't converted to 3D it was actually shot in 3D. This makes a difference in how the staging (blocking for those theatre types) is done, visual lines between the characters, objects in front of the camera or at the side of the screen- lots of "shooting" rules were bent or outright broken because this movie was shot in 3D and the audience could visually understand the difference. This isn't always something you think about, but when movies are shot there are standards to how characters look at each other, look past each other, interact with the environment, etc etc, and these rules make it fluid for the viewer not only to follow what's going on, but to be able to see it from many different angles. The movie itself was sweet- of course I'll read the book- full of longing and nostalgia and wistfulness. It sort of reminded me of March of the Penguins, because it seems to split the movie in two, both parts of the movie are equally interesting, but I was NOT expecting them to be together and the segue wasn't so smooth. Mr. E and I watched Hugo Cabret (Asa Butterfield) with interest because he's set to play Ender in a screen-adaptation of the science fiction novel Ender's Game. Fingers crossed he'll grow out of his wide-eyed child actor pose. Since it was set it early 20th century Paris, there was lots of frizzy hair, skinny people, steam, soot, and references to death (sounds like most period movies). I think a lot of what you watch the movie for is the environment here- it showed all the drudgery of the times with as little of the sadness you usually see. While I understand that A Trip to the Moon is iconic, can we please stop using that infamous shot? This face creeps me out...