Monday, May 13, 2013

Buttermilk Pie

Apparently the South, as a whole, has been keeping something from me. Granted, it's probably in my (and my waist-line's) best interest, but I'm a little disappointed. South, I thought we were friends. I'll agree YOUR fried chicken is the best, I respect your use of "ya'll" and I'll call it the War Between the States if you want. I just wish you would've let me know about buttermilk pie a little sooner. After all, I can cook up a pretty mean Paula Deen impression. 

Granted, I got the idea for this from Beautiful Creatures (awful, don't bother), but when I looked it up I realized it's an Amish recipe? It's all Greek to me, guys.

Buttermilk Pie
1/2c butter
1c sugar
3Tbsp flour
3 eggs (beaten)
1 pinch salt
1tsp vanilla extract
1c buttermilk
1 can of cherries packed in water
pie crust

Preheat the oven to 400F
Beat the butter and sugar together.
Add eggs, then vanilla. Beat well after each addition.
Sift the dry ingredients then add alternately with the buttermilk.
Drain the cherries and arrange in the pie crust. Pour the buttermilk mixture over the cherries and bake for 10 minutes. I added a foil cover here to make sure that nothing burned.
Reduce heat to 350F and bake for 50-60 more minutes. Knife inserted should come out clean when done. 
Serve warm or cool.

I couldn't quite stomach the idea of JUST buttermilk, so I added some cherries. And this was a fabulous choice.
Also, we used a frozen home-made pie pastry. I make them in batches so I can pull out pie whenever I want. Just sayin'.

The best part of this recipe was my little canned cherries floated to the top like red balloons. These were great! A perfect tart flavor to set off the intense cream/custard of the buttermilk mixture.

Link up! Keeping it Simple, Homemaker on a Dime, DIY Showoff, Craft-o-maniac, Not Just a Housewife, Hopestudios, What We Accomplished Wednesdays